Newsletter 2024 Computer Trainer
Well 2024 is here and I am so looking forwarding to serving you with your technology needs.
I hope you have had a great Christmas break.
I have had a lovely Christmas time with my husband Laurie and we covered over 2,000 kilometres travelling south to the Snowy Mountains and then to the Bega Valley to see family and friends.
Some Background of The Roving Trainer
Of course over the decades I have been in business you have become more than clients but friends. We have grown our knowledge together through all the trials and frustrations that dealing with technology can bring. Some of you have been with me since the beginning of The Roving Trainer and I have seen not only your confidence grow but seen the photos of children and now grandchildren.
What a privildge to be trusted as I get to know you and I so love being a computer trainer and coach.
As you some of you know I am always up for a coffee or a herbal tea. In the photo below I am with long time client Carl and we are enjoying a good chit chat.
For Business Professionals - Computer Trainer Advice
Last year also saw a bigger increase with my professional business people who do not want to get left behind.
So much is expected of us in the office environment to know about technology. But have you ever felt that you may have done some computer work but it was over a year ago and you have forgotten how you did it.
I empathise with you. I am working all the time with computers however your role may involve you getting very good with your particular work only to let some other knowledge get rusty.
Please consider contacting me on those occasions. We can use TeamViewer which is a confidential screen sharing program and I can guide you through that quick issue or train you from afar.

Hi Barbara. The training session I had with you on Wednesday was great. I learnt so much about my computer and lots of handy short cut tips. You are so knowledgeable, professional and friendly. I would highly recommend you to anyone who is struggling to keep up in this world of information overload. Regards Helen
Wishing you a wonderful 2024 and if I can be of service to you please do get in touch. Remember the saying "there is no such thing as a silly question".
Warm regards Barb xx
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